Behavior Modification

NOTE: We are currently not accepting new clients at this time.

"Pet Manners" or "Behavior Modification", what's the difference?

"Pet Manners" training is sometimes also described as "dog obedience" training. Dogs are taught to reliably respond to cues like sit, down, come when called, walk nicely on leash, greet visitors politely, etc.

In "Behavior Modification" we deal with anxious, fearful and/or aggressive dogs. We work on changing their behavior and emotional state, so they learn to stay calm and focused in situations that previously elicited a fearful or aggressive reaction.

"One-on-One BEHAVIOR program"

Our customized "One-on-One BEHAVIOR" program is the solution, if

  • Your dog barks and lunges at people or other dogs
  • Your dog growls at you when you want to take something out of his mouth
  • Your dog is afraid of men or shies away when children want to pet him
  • Your dog gets worried when you take her to new places or hears a loud noise
  • Your dog gets upset when you leave him home alone

We will work with you and your dog and develop a protocol specifically for you and your family, without coercion or force.

Professional Fees:

Initial Evaluation and Consult: 225.00 (up to 90 minutes)
"Pay as you Go" follow-up sessions: $100.00 (up to 60 minutes)
4-session package (initial consult and 3 follow-up sessions): $500.00 (save $25.00)

Benefits of our One-on-One Services:

  • Flexible schedule to fit your busy lifestyle
  • Customized exercises to fit your needs
  • One-on-one attention, guidance, support and practice
  • FREE training/behavior handouts and additional resources
  • FREE email and phone support
  • Field trips (at the instructor's discretion)

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Any questions? Email us

101 - Foundation Manners

Duration: 4 weeks
Cost: $100.00
Prerequisite: None

During this program, you and your dog will learn the following skills:

  • Attention to name
  • Sit
  • Down
  • Stay
  • Settle
  • Polite manners
  • Sit-to-greet
  • How to communicate effectively with each other

Course includes a FREE treat bag!


201 - Foundation Manners

Duration: 4 weeks
Cost: $100.00
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Foundation Manners 101

During this program, you and your dog will learn the following skills:

  • Polite door manners
  • Come when called
  • Loose-leash walking basics
  • Leave it
  • Drop items on request

Course includes a FREE dog toy and certificate of completion for the "Foundation" series.


301 - Advanced K9: Who's Walking Whom

Duration: 4 weeks
Cost: $100.00
Prerequisite: Successful completion of the Foundation series. The Advanced K9 courses can be taken in either order; however, we recommend that the courses are taken in the sequence listed.

During this course, you and your dog will work on the following skills:

  • Getting out of the car calmly
  • Loose leash walking
  • Stop when I stop
  • Let's go
  • Emergency U-turn

Classes will be held inside and outside for real-life training. Please dress accordingly.


401 - Advanced K9: Dealing with Distractions

Duration: 4 weeks
Cost: $100.00
Prerequisite: Successful completion of the Foundation series. The Advanced K9 courses can be taken in either order; however, we recommend that the courses are taken in the sequence listed.

In this course, your dog will be exposed to a variety of exciting distractions, e. g. cats, vacuums, motorcycles, bikes and dogs, and you will learn how to help your dog stay calm and focused on you.

Course includes one "field trip".


501 - Perfect Dog Manners

Duration: 4 weeks
Cost: $100.00
Prerequisite: Successful completion of the Foundation and Advanced K9 series. The Perfect Dog courses can be taken in either order; however, we recommend that the courses are taken in the sequence listed.

This program covers the following exercises:

  • Passing other dogs in close vicinity
  • Leave it while in motion
  • Wait at door with visitors present
  • Come with distractions
  • Perfect stay

601 - Perfect Dog "Out and About"

Duration: 4 weeks
Cost: $100.00
Prerequisite: Successful completion of the Foundation and Advanced K9 series. The Perfect Dog courses can be taken in either order; however, we recommend that the courses are taken in the sequence listed.

Weekly field trips to locations that will each present their own challenges, e.g. walks in the city, park or the fairground, visiting a pet or hardware store, meeting and greeting people on campus.

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